
My movie Evaluation

  1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? Thriller conventions  I have chosen to use this convention in my production with the central narrative being based upon a suspected murder of a young man. The difference is the prime suspect in the film is set-up, he is innocent but is being manipulated and tricked by a killer. This plot device is often used in thrillers such - the Fugitive in which Dr Richard Kimble is framed for killing his wife. Throughout the film, Dr Kimble is on the run from the police trying to clear his name and find the real killer. My movie also features something similar as the protagonist is also trying to clear his name and find the real killer. The way the protagonist’s ‘Achilles heel’ gets exploited by the antagonist is that the protagonist is a person who spends most of his time indoors, and the killer is a more experienced man with guns and killing. This is shown by the fact that the protagonist i

Film Opening Conventions - Children of Men (2006)

I will analyse the opening scene of Children of Men to understanding how setting, narrative, genre and representation are creating in only 120 seconds of screen time. Setting Set in futuristic London we learn a lot about the setting from the mise-en-scene and the sound. First we hear  from the TV this is a time of conflict - the borders have remain close for immigrant for 8 years and illegal immigrants will be deported, this suggest the world is becoming unsafe resulting in the migration of people.  However, there is a globalisation effect in city with the presence of motorised rik-shaws, suggesting as mixing of various western and eastern cultures. Also noticeable is the dirt on the streets and dank polluted atmosphere in the air. So this is dystopian view of the future. This is further emphasised by the headline news - the death of Baby Diego who for someone at 18 years old is the youngest person on the planet. This is the main enigma established at the start of the film - how is thi


Talent Release from Mediatts2021Coursewo

Location Scouting Reports

Location Scouting from Mediatts2021Coursewo Location Scouting from Mediatts2021Coursewo I have carried out a full location scouting as can be seen in the documentation above. I have found these images of street that I intend to shoot in. As you see there is limited traffic and clear walkways which should be ideal for the tracking and walking scenes I intend to shoot. Also the neighbourhood is comparatively affluent which fits in with the representations of the scripted characters. The only issue I would have is the weather which is either extremely hot or wet in Singapore.

Filming documentation - Script Breakdown

Script Breakdown sheet from Mediatts2021Coursewo

Generating text bubbles with After Effects

Tutorial  I used a tutorial video to help with creating a text bubble. The process was to use a PNG with a transparency of text bubbles. The tutorial suggested, using a mask, to bring in the individual text bubbles one at a time and transforming the size so that they'd pop up more realistically. The problem was that the text bubbles didn't shrink or expand which enabled me to type what I wanted.  After Effects                                          To solve this, I created the text boxes myself using the shape tool in After Effects, enabling me to create the size I wanted. The only issue was with the part that connects to the mouth when someone speaks, which I had to create myself with the pen tool. Using the same technique, as the tutorial video explained, I managed to make them appear out of nowhere. I made a composition on the edited walking section and then put the text bubbles where I wanted them.  I decided to create text bubbles in the movie to show that the main chara

Fears and Monsters

    Meaning - what fears does the monster represent? Godzilla